Time for Lubanga to pay

Editor, It is true that whoever commits crimes in life has to be punished no matter how long it takes.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Editor,It is true that whoever commits crimes in life has to be punished no matter how long it takes. When Thomas Lubanga Dyilo was using and abusing children under the age of 15 in his Union of Congolese Patriots (UPC) militia to commit crimes, he probably didn’t know that many years later, his actions will turn against him.He could not believe when the International Criminal Court (ICC), on Wednesday, unanimously found him guilty of conscripting and recruiting children into his rebel group. For me, I consider Lubanga a lucky man. He had a chance to go to court unlike his victims in DRC who were killed before they could share their ordeal with anyone else. What we learn from this case is that all the fugitives out there, including those accused of taking in the Genocide against the Tutsi, suspects still will ultimately account for their horrendous crimes. Timothy KimonyoKigali