District Mayors train in Financial accounting

GASABO - Mayors and vice-Mayors in-charge of economic planning and finance from all districts in the country are undergoing training to improve financial reporting.

Monday, April 21, 2008
Mayors taking notes during the training. (Photo /G.Ntagungira).

GASABO - Mayors and vice-Mayors in-charge of economic planning and finance from all districts in the country are undergoing training to improve financial reporting.

The two-day retreat at La Pallise in Nyandungu was organized by the Rwandan Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA), and it dwelt mostly on participatory investment and budgeting.

The training came about after it emerged that mayors make errors in taking financial decisions.

"I want to remind you that what the country expects from the decentralization process is a democratic and developmental state that encourages participation, transparency and accountability," Protais Musoni, the Minister of Local Government reminded.

He said errors had been made especially in financial management and reportin. He blamed it on the lack of capacity to report accurately by Mayors and their assistants.

Musoni pointed out to the Mayors that the primary instrument of fighting poverty was not money, but having a vision and demonstrating a trustworthy spirit backed by a passion to change the state of the country. Bonane Nyangezi, the RALGA Secretary who doubles as Mayor of Gicumbi district, stressed that district leaders need capacity building, especially in the new procurement law and financial reporting.

According RALGA, the Mayors and their deputies will be trained on a number of issues including vision2020, fiscal transfer, budget cycle and organic budget law among others.
