Why teenagers struggle with body image

Most people including celebrities struggle with their body image. However, this is more prominent among teenagers who are consistently under pressure to look a certain way. There are a number of different influences and overall, these can lead to the development of unhealthy habits among teens. This article will explore teen body image from the different angles.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Most people including celebrities struggle with their body image. However, this is more prominent among teenagers who are consistently under pressure to look a certain way. There are a number of different influences and overall, these can lead to the development of unhealthy habits among teens. This article will explore teen body image from the different angles.Various factors influence body image perceptions, the most common being, family, friends and the media. Once perceived norms are established, it is difficult to break away from them. Typically, for teens, the greatest influences are from their peers. They look at each other for direction especially in the kinds of clothes, music and friends they have.When it comes to family influence, chances are that when a teenager listens to a parent, especially a mother complaining regularly about her weight and body image, they will do the same. There are many images around teens and often the greatest indirect role models are celebrities and other prominent figures that appear in magazines and on television. There is definitely more of an "ideal” body image conveyed even today. Unfortunately, this does not mean that all teens will have that body while they are still healthy, although some of the role models may be. It’s important to understand health and not be encouraged just because you see certain body types on the pages of magazines.Poor body image can have a number of physical and emotional effects upon teens and can have a big impact on their lives. The above pressures certainly contribute to both.Teens who struggle with body image may go to unhealthy measures to try to get their perceived ideal figure. While being healthy is important, there is a difference between physical health and going to the extreme. Everyone has their own ideal weight and body shape for themselves; it’s individual. Teens who take unhealthy steps to change their bodies, through diets, exercise and more can have adverse effects upon their health.Teens can put a lot of pressure on themselves and their body image. When they have poor body image, they are prone to mood swings, they do not eat right and they can become socially withdrawn if they feel like they do not fit in, and they can certainly have other emotional struggles to deal with.Body image is about feeling good about who you are and creating your own individual. There is NO perfect person, shape or size. It is what you do with your looks that makes all the difference.