Students debate on the connection between relationships and academics

Students from eight schools over the weekend held discussions on whether it was necessary for them to have relationships while still at school.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
A cross section of students during the debate at College Doctrina Vitae in Ndera. The New Times /Grace Mugoya.

Students from eight schools over the weekend held discussions on whether it was necessary for them to have relationships while still at school. The debate was part of the campaign that aims at building students’ capacity to engage in the fight against HIV/Aids.Participants from schools including Springs Academy, APRED Ndera, GS Gasogi and GS Ndera met at College Doctrina Vitae in Ndera Sector, Gasabo District."As a student, I believe having a boyfriend or girlfriend is not good at all. The reason being that, instead of concentrating on my studies, I will be thinking of what we discussed,” said Alphonsine Niragire, a Senior 4 student at Springs Academy.The 19-year-old said that at that age, it’s a big challenge to combine or deal with relationships and education."The two can not easily be combined and trust me, because of the excitement, you find that students concentrate more on the relationship than studies therefore deteriorating in their academics,” she said.However, one Senior 6 student from College Doctrina Vitae, Helve Nsanzabande, did not agree with her."I cannot believe this; having a girlfriend or boyfriend is very important because this is the person you will always consult when you are defeated for instance, if you need help in challenging subjects,” Nsazabande said.He pointed out that the most important thing about being in a relationship is that people believe in it."It is all in the mind. If you believe that such a friend is not constructive, he or she will never be,” he said. Most participants concurred with Niragire’s argument saying they wanted to protect themselves from time wastage so that they could concentrate on their studies. However, a certain number of students just like Nsanzabande, believe that relationships do contribute to better academic performance.The ongoing campaign is organised by a local non-governmental organisation, Volunteers Initiative for Sustainable Development and Anti-Poverty Campaign (VISDAPOC).