Fix street lights

Editor, Through your newspaper, I would like to notify Kigali City Council (KCC) authorities that some streetlights along the Kacyiru road have been off for sometime without any repair while those that were knocked by motorists, along the Egyptian Embassy, for some time now, haven’t been replaced.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Editor,Through your newspaper, I would like to notify Kigali City Council (KCC) authorities that some streetlights along the Kacyiru road have been off for sometime without any repair while those that were knocked by motorists, along the Egyptian Embassy, for some time now, haven’t been replaced.

And along the KBC Roundabout-Gishushu road, these days it’s rare to find all the lights on, which is not a good sight itself. Also, I have observed that the ones along the KCB-American Embassy road are sometimes off due to load shedding or technical reasons.It is important that KCC sets up a regular monitoring mechanism for street lighting because they don’t only ensure security for people at night but also add to the beauty of the city. Otherwise, we appreciate the new street lights which are accompanied by ultra-modern traffic control lights.Bravo Kigali CityJohn MunyangogaNyarugenge