Mineduc to set teacher regulations and rights

Quality:Professionalism to be promoted and exhibitedThe Ministry of Education (Mineduc), through the Rwanda Education Board (REB), has embarked on an exercise aimed at formulating and promoting teachers’ regulations and rights.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Rwandan teachers during a past function at the Amahoro national stadium. The New Times / File.

Quality:Professionalism to be promoted and exhibitedThe Ministry of Education (Mineduc), through the Rwanda Education Board (REB), has embarked on an exercise aimed at formulating and promoting teachers’ regulations and rights.This was disclosed by the Director General of REB, John Rutayisire, in an interview with The New Times. He said a group of educationalists, last week, held a three-day meeting in Kigali, where they came up with recommendations on how best teachers could be equipped and motivated.  The recommendations ranged from drafting a teachers’ code of conduct, which would encompass their rights and privileges, to beginning an appraisal system for teachers. According to Rutayisire, there is need to put in place rules and guidelines for teachers.  "The Ministry of Education is planning to improve the quality of education in the country. This cannot be achieved unless teaching is professionalised. This is why we want to improve the teachers’ code of conduct, to help them know how they can fight for their rights,” Rutayisire said.He added that the programme will also help Mineduc evaluate teachers’ performances as well as managing them properly.The official said that the teaching profession should not be considered as a field for anyone without qualifications. It should be an area for professionals who have the competence and passion for it, he addedSpeaking to The New Times, Pie Nizeyimana, a teacher at Groupe Scolaire Rubirizi in Kicukiro District said: "I thank Mineduc for coming up with this initiative because it will improve our self esteem”.He noted that some teachers don’t know their rights, saying that there is a need for the Ministry of Education and REB to sensitise them about them.