Firm injects over Rwf947m in insecticide manufacture

PEST CONTROL:Farm yields expected to increase Musanze- A pyrethrum refining plant, which was set up by Horizon Group, has started producing an insecticide known as Pyrethrum 5EW, expected to control coffee and tea pests.

Monday, March 12, 2012
Pesticides from pyrethrum plant are now on sale. The New Times/ File.

PEST CONTROL:Farm yields expected to increaseMusanze- A pyrethrum refining plant, which was set up by Horizon Group, has started producing an insecticide known as Pyrethrum 5EW, expected to control coffee and tea pests.The company, Agropharm Africa Ltd, a joint venture with UK’s Agropharm, and Horizon Group will use over 20% of the total pyrethrum from SOPYRWA Company to produce crop and animal drugs.The general manager, AGropharm Africa, Samuel Matonde, said that products which are organic and have been previously imported from Europe, will be suitable for local insecticides and will be exported to East and western African countries.‘’This adds value to the locally produced pyrethrum, local farmers will benefit to produce high value food products due to the use of organic insecticides applied for crop protection, we are encouraging farmers to use the products,’’  Matonde said.Sopyrwa which exports pyrethrum extracts to Europe, Asia and North America, has for the first time began adding value to the pyrethrum products and will now export, pyrethrum and its products.Over Rwf947m was invested by Horizon Group in Agropharm Africa Company to refine and formulate pyrethrum extracts for producing insecticides.Gabriel Bizimungu, the general manager, Sopyrwa, told The Business Times the production of pesticides, will boost farm yields since farmers will ably control pests.‘’Primary results show that Pyrethrum 5EW, is effective on the main coffee pest-Antestia Burg. It will be produced in various forms; powder, oil and liquid and this has varying costs, with the same level of effectiveness, this will help farmers,’’ Bizimungu said.Statistics from Sopyrwa, show that over 7000 farmers from Musanze, Burera, Nyabihu and Rubavu are involved in pyrethrum growing as their main income earner.