Chameleon escapes mob attack

Uganda’s top musician Jose Chameleone survived being lynched by angry revellers, who turned up for his concert on Sunday night at Bukenya Foundation Hall in Luweero District.

Monday, March 12, 2012
Jose Chameleone survived being lynched. Net Photo

Uganda’s top musician Jose Chameleone survived being lynched by angry revellers, who turned up for his concert on Sunday night at Bukenya Foundation Hall in Luweero District.It all started when the singer arrived late at the venue.  The revellers had repeatedly asked for Chameleon’s where about. "Where is he, Where is he?” they charged to the organisers.Even when Chameleon finally arrived, luck was not on his side, power went off. The organisers fidgeted with a generator but its output was too low to run the machines for the show to take off.Revellers turned rowdy and broke the seats, lights and other items at the venue after the singer refused to perform.Chameleon argued that he could not put a good performance with a poor sound output.It took the intervention of the police which shot in air to disperse the angry revellers which wanted to lynch the ‘Valu-Valu’ singer who sneaked out and sped off to Kampala.Revellers said that it was unfair for the singer to make them wait for long and refused to perform for them.