Danon Musoni rises from the underground

Danon Fraterne Musoni grew up in the Kigali township of Kacyiru, where he developed his interest in cinema by writing play scripts and songs.

Monday, March 12, 2012
Danon Fraterne Musoni

Danon Fraterne Musoni grew up in the Kigali township of Kacyiru, where he developed his interest in cinema by writing play scripts and songs.His first song ‘Standing up for changing the world’, inspired him to write more songs, poems and film scripts. Now 29, Musoni has emerged as one of Rwanda’s most aspiring filmmakers, with a bold passion bent on stylistic desegregation and determination to rise from the underground and become a star.He is a survivor of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi; sadly his father and his other two siblings were killed in the genocide.His debut film ‘Ikiguzi cyumunezero’ – (The Price of Happiness) was released last year. The 28-year-old said the film depicts what happens in society.Musoni says that there are very many Rwandans with inspiring stories to tell but lack financial and technical support to tell the stories. But commends the government for supporting the film industry by putting in place good policies which favour film-makers to contribute to the country’s development.