Ethiopian bound team jets out

Rwanda’s athletes to this year’s 16th edition of the African Senior Athletics Championship due in Ethiopia departs this evening to undergo an eight-day intensive training in Addis Ababa.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Rwanda’s athletes to this year’s 16th edition of the African Senior Athletics Championship due in Ethiopia departs this evening to undergo an eight-day intensive training in Addis Ababa.

The seven man team departs for Addis Ababa aboard Ethiopian Airways for a training stint which is bankrolled by the Confederation of African Ministries of Youth and Sport. The team includes; Sylvain Rukundo(10000m), Cyriaque Ndayikengurikiye(5000m), Musa Bizimana(400m), Jean d’Arc Uwamahoro(800m), Sophia Kanakuze(200m) and Angelline Nyiransabimana(10000m) and Emmanuel Habiyambere(Coach) respectively.

The continental body has offered to take up the initiative of facilitating Rwanda’s team as well as other French speaking countries to a two-week residential training in preparation for the championship due on April 30th.
