We need to address brain drain

Editor, Research has shown that a large proportion of African students travel abroad in hunt for greener pastures.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Editor,Research has shown that a large proportion of African students travel abroad in hunt for greener pastures. Many of them simply vanish in thin air instead of returning to their countries upon competition of studies in Europe or North America. Some take unimaginable risks as they try to enter Europe illegally, many dying in the sea before accomplishing the deadly mission.I find brain drain such a complicated issue that needs to be addressed by African countries. It has a negative impact because it involves a loss of vital resources and young, bright people who are energetic enough to develop their respective home countries.It’s my firm belief that African governments and the private sector can keep and return their best and brightest young people to play a role in the development of their countries? There’s need to put in place mechanisms that enhance creation of job opportunities for young and skilled African professionals. Jessica MurerwaNyagatare