Minister urges youth to embrace urbanisation

The Minister of youth, Jean Philbert Nsengimana, has called on the youth to implement their projects in the urban centres so as to promote employment.

Sunday, March 11, 2012
The Minister for Youth, Jean Philbert Nsengimana, speaking to youths at Nyamirambo Stadium. The New Times Timothy Kisambira

The Minister of youth, Jean Philbert Nsengimana, has called on the youth to implement their projects in the urban centres so as to promote employment.He made the call while addressing various youth cooperatives in Nyamirambo stadium. The meeting was aimed at giving new strategies for youth empowerment in the country in terms of creating jobs."Now that the youth are the country’s engine for development, it’s high time they established their business ventures within urban centres for the development of cities across the country,” said Nsengimana.The minister added that the government was now switching from social cluster empowerment to the economic development strategies."Youth have potential to develop themselves other than waiting for support. You have to develop confidence in whatever you are planning to do,” he added.Nsengimana said the only way to create a happy new generation is for the youth to become more patriotic and innovative in focusing more on creating business opportunities like starting up companies instead of waiting for handouts from benefactors. He disclosed that his ministry had received several projects from the youth requesting for financial support worth Rwf 800 million yet the ministry only gets less than Rwf 100 million for youth empowerment.According to the ministry, to financially support youth projects, the ministry needs over Rwf 10 billion.