Celebrate the unsung heroes in your life

Let us take this time to appreciate some very important people, those who have gone most of the time very unnoticed. These people are very important in our society and even in our households but most of the time they are just swept under the rug like a secret that should never be told.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Let us take this time to appreciate some very important people, those who have gone most of the time very unnoticed. These people are very important in our society and even in our households but most of the time they are just swept under the rug like a secret that should never be told. I think they need to be applauded for the fact that they dedicate most of their lives or let me say the better parts of their lives to making sure that our lives are in check and that our comfort is at it’s maximum. There are a lot of things that we never take the time to think about and this is one of them. These unsung heroes in our local language can be referred to as ‘umukozi wo murugo’ who has ever thought to consider that these people actually do more than a lot for us, and we never take the time to show them that they are worth a lot and that we acknowledge all that they do for us.There are a lot of times when we hear stories about the house helps being ill treated and I can’t help but wonder why and how you can treat someone with so much disdain, when they are the ones we practically entrust our houses, lives and even children with. The same people who we leave in charge when we are not around become like our second in charge. Let us also put in mind just how much they put in to make sure that we are living in extreme comfort and relaxation, ensuring that every detail is up to check. Their daily routine begins at 5am in the morning and ends at 10pm in the night, some of us find it extremely difficult to be up at this time and yet they go through this everyday. They deserve a little bit of credit for all that they do and we need to realize that they are important and they deserve all our respect.Most of the times when I look at my house help I realize that what she does I could never do it, I feel it most when she isn’t there I wonder how she juggles all the work and manages to finish all her work on time-have you ever tried? Trust me it never works out the same. Think about how some leave their families and come and take care of your family like their lives depended on it. They give up their lives and their freedom because they basically have to stay at home unless it’s their day off. They work all day everyday, tirelessly giving you quality service. Now I know that there are some that are very disagreeable; but we can’t always judge a whole congregation based on the mistakes of one person. House helps, we cannot do without and we should take the time to show them that we are very lucky and grateful that they are a part of our lives and all that they do does not go unnoticed. Everybody no matter what kind of work they do, deserves praise especially when they are doing it very well and our dear ‘umukozi wo murugo’ are doing a  tremendous job and they deserve a pat on the back for all they are doing. If it was up to me I would have an award for them and the formidable and very commendable work that they do. So before you raise your voice today to complain about all the things that they have done wrong, think about all that they do right.