With care you can avoid contracting hepatitis c

Hepatitis C is a viral infection of the liver.  It may or may not cause acute sickness initially, but it inflicts chronic damage to the liver, resulting in chronic sickness, liver cirrhosis, cancer, liver failure, and death.

Sunday, March 11, 2012
Dr. Rachna Pande

Hepatitis C is a viral infection of the liver.  It may or may not cause acute sickness initially, but it inflicts chronic damage to the liver, resulting in chronic sickness, liver cirrhosis, cancer, liver failure, and death. The infection is caused by Hepatitis C virus. The virus gains entry in the body by transfusion of contaminated blood and blood products containing the virus. Injections by unsterilized needles and syringes are yet another source of infection. Similarly tattoos made by contaminated needles, intravenous injections by drug users, pricking of ears, hair cut or shave with contaminated tools, all these can lead to infection.Regarding spread of Hepatitis C. by unprotected sexual intercourse is controversial .However sexual activity involving trauma to mucosa (soft covering) of the anus or genital parts   can facilitate the spread of infection. Presence of genital ulcers and or discharge facilitates the acquisition of Hepatitis C. Immune depressed persons like those with HIV infection or severe uncontrolled diabetes are more susceptible to acquire hepatitis C infection if exposed.  The infection may also pass from mother to child during pregnancy.As young adults are more involved in such activities, they are at greater risk for being infected with Hepatitis C. Men are said to be more prone to be infected than women.After getting infected by Hepatitis C, one may not have any problem initially. Vague unexplained fatigue or loss of appetite may be the only symptoms. But during this period, the individual is capable of transmitting the infection to others.As liver damage starts after a period of weeks to months, a person starts getting sick. There is total loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, associated with or without yellow discoloration of the eyes. Due to development of cirrhosis and portal hypertension, the abdomen gets distended, followed by generalized swelling over the body as the disease progresses. Due to derangement of the liver function, deficiency of proteins, clotting factors, altered lipid and glucose levels can occur. Sometimes vomiting of blood is the first manifestation of the disease. This occurs due to congestion of veins in the esophagus and deficiency of substances needed to stop bleeding. AS liver damage progresses further, the mental state is altered. The individual becomes comatosed and dies. Those having a damaged liver due to alcohol, chemical exposure e.t.c., suffer from more early and severe complications of hepatitis C.Diagnosis of hepatitis C is done by serological tests and PCR (polymerase chain reaction) for the virus. Treatment is by antiviral drugs which are effective only very early in the disease. These drugs are not accessible easily and are also expensive. No vaccination is available for prevention as for Hepatitis A.Unfortunately the disease is mostly detected late when already liver damage has set in. The treatment at this stage remains only palliative, i.e. only symptoms are treated. Ultimate treatment when cirrhosis or liver cancer has developed remains a liver transplant. This is a very expensive and lengthy procedure. Before liver transplant, a suitable donor is searched. It should be a person with same tissue type as the individual needing liver transplant. Preferable donors are a twin sibling or blood relatives.  After a liver transplant, one has to take immune suppressive drugs for a long time to prevent rejection of the graft. These make the person sicker.In a nut shell it can be said that if a person gets infected by Hepatitis C, he or she is bound to lose quality of life forever. Therefore it is better to prevent this illness.  People should know about Hepatitis C and have to be cautious about acquiring it. Screening of blood and blood products for transfusion is exemplary in Rwanda, thus eliminating this source of infection for Hepatitis C for the citizens. But people need to be vigilant, while undertaking any small prick on the body about   the needles, e.t.c, used should be clean and disposable.Safe, protected sexual activities also help in preventing Hepatitis C. Moreover if somebody has any suspicion of hepatitis C, it is better to get tested rather than delaying the diagnosis, thus exposing liver to further damage. Dr. Rachna Pande is a specialist internal medicine –Ruhengeri  Hospitalrachna212002@yahoo.co.uk