Diaspoman: When a juicy plan backfired on us!

Several years ago, Aggrey and I tried to pull a fast one on unsuspecting victims. But our tricks did not mature fast enough! You see, we had tried to hoodwink our so called girlfriends by taking them out for a drink of red wine at one of the posh hotels in Rwanda.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Several years ago, Aggrey and I tried to pull a fast one on unsuspecting victims. But our tricks did not mature fast enough! You see, we had tried to hoodwink our so called girlfriends by taking them out for a drink of red wine at one of the posh hotels in Rwanda. The problem is that our pockets were not man enough to buy serious glasses of wine. So we devised a plan that would see us save some costs as well as polish our image in front of these dames! So on that particular night, Aggrey and I dashed to the hotel to negotiate with the chief waiter! We convinced him to serve us with a special low cost bottle of red wine so that we could pay peanuts. The plan was that we would go to the shops in town and buy a bottle of red juice. We would then quickly smuggle the bottle of red juice to the chief waiter so that he could later come along to our table and place it before our eyes. When we told the waiter that he would earn himself a small tip for his services, he beamed from ear to ear and offered to help us. Our next visit was at the Quartier commercial shops. It was from these shops that we paid for a small jerry can of red juice. We then poured the red juice in an empty bottle which used to house a French made special wine. We had picked the empty bottle from our boss’ office! We dashed back to our chief waiter and handed him the bottle of red juice. "Please go ahead and mix this juice in water. Do not dilute it massively. When you see us arrive for our dinner, please bring the juice and pretend that it is a special red wine all the way from Paris.” Again, the chief waiter winked and beamed. Our plan was now in motion! On that special night, we majestically walked into the posh bar. With our ladies dressed to kill, we sat at the most cozy of corners. With the soft love ballads in the background, we called the waiter. "Hey garcon! Please tell the chief waiter to bring us our special red wine!” A few minutes later, the waiter came over with the most expensive red wine you would ever see. Aggrey and I almost fainted. We almost got chocked. Where the hell was our red juice? Then it dawned on us. Apparently, the chief waiter never reported to work due to some illness. We were cooked! There was little choice but to open the expensive red wine and wait for the unpleasant consequence!