Women celebrate new found confidence, wealth

NYARUGURU – As the world marked International Women’s Day on Thursday;, women in Nyaruguru District celebrated the confidence they have gained over time.

Saturday, March 10, 2012
DETERMINED: Daphrose Mukandori.

NYARUGURU – As the world marked International Women’s Day on Thursday;, women in Nyaruguru District celebrated the confidence they have gained over time.The day was marked under the theme: "Empower women and girls to sustain families”.In Ruheru sector, thousands of residents turned out for the event. For about 30 minutes, they chanted and danced as they marched towards the celebrations’ venue.Women in the area noted that over time, their lives had been improved, attributing the change mainly to the trust put up in them and a change in mindset over women’s role in society.Agnes Mukandekezi, a resident of Gitita Cell, couldn’t hold back her joy as he told The New Times the progress she has made in the past years.The 44-year-old widow said that since the death of her husband, 11 years ago, she took the family affairs in her hands and has managed to make a living from the family property."I have no difficulty paying school fees for my seven children,” she proudly said."One of them is attending university; another is in secondary school while the others are in primary. None of them has ever lacked school materials or fees”.Mukandekezi owns four cows which she says have helped her improve her crop production."I can produce about 300 kilograms of potatoes per 100 square meters,” she narrated."Women have been given space to prove that they can also sustain their families. We have opportunities to meet and discuss with people from different backgrounds, which actually sharpens our minds. We are now part of the struggle to develop our societies,” she observed.Venantie Mukarugwiza, a resident of Ruyenzi cell, noted that efforts to encourage women to take part in income generating activities have started yielding fruit.She produces between three and four tons of potatoes per season on her small plot of land."I have moved from traditional to modern farming,” she said. "I was encouraged by the trust and support I got from both the society and the authorities. Women are no longer considered as born to make children only. That gives us assurance in whatever we do”."Men are so proud of us when they realise what we can achieve,” she addedFor Daphrose Mukandori, 54, life changed when she acquired a loan to start tea farming. "I acquired about Rwf 200,000 two years ago and planted tea on 1.5 hectares. I hope to increase the space as I make profits,” she said, noting that the first harvest is expected soon."My project is promising. I expect high output and the market is attractive, too.”Nyaruguru District Vice-Mayor in charge of Economic Affairs, Fabien Niyitegeka, urged women and girls to build from what has been achieved in order to improve their livelihoods and that of the entire society."We should emulate the government’s efforts conducted towards the promotion of gender equality. We must move forward to sustain a society where women and men, girls and boys have equal chances to opportunity. Women, especially, must continue to be innovative and hardworking so as to keep contributing to the development of their families and that of the entire society,” he observed.During the celebrations, ActionAid Rwanda donated 10 Friesian cows to two local women’s cooperatives while a third received a cheque of one million in support of its potato farming project.