Support women to fully realize their potential

This week saw the launch of the ‘Rwanda Women and Girls’ Month’. During the month, various campaigns will take place, focusing on the economic empowerment of women, promotion of girls’ education as well as good governance.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

This week saw the launch of the ‘Rwanda Women and Girls’ Month’.During the month, various campaigns will take place, focusing on the economic empowerment of women, promotion of girls’ education as well as good governance.Rwanda has the highest representation of women in politics and participation in the development of their country.Up to 56 per cent of members of the Chamber of Deputies are women - the highest level of women representation anywhere in the world. Women have attained a critical mass in parliament, laws and policies that advance women’s rights have been successfully instituted.Despite the strides taken to guarantee gender equality, women continue to face injustice, violence and inequality in their homes and working lives.While the general standard of living for women has improved significantly, there are still women who are abused or denied rights to property and land among other injustices.Historically, women were disadvantaged in several ways. Rwanda has changed this trend and women are treated equally as men and this has enabled them to contribute remarkably to national development.Their quality of life has improved and they have gone on to spearhead the fight against Gender Based Violence which was a hindrance to their progress.Women’s contribution to national development cannot be underestimated. They have proven to be effective managers and capable politicians as well as competent professionals in all sectors. Despite the enormous successes, we should not be complacent. Efforts to sensitize the population on the role and capabilities of women should be sustained.There are financial institutions today that have special packages for women to help them start up income generation projects. Through such initiatives, we can support the women to fully realize their potential.