Healthy Living:Apricots for your skin, eyes and general good health

My mother came home last week with a bag full of apricots! My children were so happy; they love it when their grandmother comes with a bag full of goodies; which she always does anyway.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

My mother came home last week with a bag full of apricots! My children were so happy; they love it when their grandmother comes with a bag full of goodies; which she always does anyway.

The last time I ate apricots was a few months ago, and somehow I did not like the taste, but I was surprised this time around because the one’s my mother brought tasted delicious and not very acidic like the ones I ate a few months earlier; my children and I did not spare them, immediately after cleaning we sat down and enjoyed them.These fruits ufortunately are not known to many people, but they have so many nutriets like other fruits and maybe even more.  Apricots contain numerous therapeutic properties, because they are rich in Vitamins A, B2, B3 and C, as well as with useful natural sugars. If you look at apricot from its colour you will think that it is very sweet, but all of them are as sweet; in fact apricots are slightly acidic and have a tinge of bitterness, so most people prefer blending them for juice.  Apricots are also rich in fiber and hence are good for smooth bowel movements. They are often recommended to patients who are regularly suffering from constipation due to its laxative natures, because they aid in overall digestion of food.Apricot juice is also known to reduce fever in patients; so many good hospitals know the necessity of having apricots in their kitchens.  This is because they provide necessary vitamins, minerals, calories and water to the body.  Owing to the presence of iron and copper in apricot, when consumed they help in the formation of hemoglobin; they are therefore among the best known fruits which to help in treating anemia.It is also believed that apricot oil is anti-asthmatic in nature and helps in treating the disease. My children and I are asthmatic, so we have cajoled my mother into bringing us a bag full of apricot goodies at least once a week, to see whether they will help us fight asthma.Children who are thought to be slow can benefit a lot from eating apricot daily. They are said to improve the function of the brain due to a high content of magnesium and phosphorus. And with the magnesium they can also help to normalize blood pressure very effectively for people who have a problem with their blood pressure.Among the most known benefits of including apricots in your daily menu, is that they are very effective when it comes to protecting our eye visionEverything in apricot as a fruit is precious, from the skin to the seeds. I don’t know how true this is, but the seeds of apricot are believed to aid in treating cancer.Since apricot is a good detoxifier, its oil is known to be good for skin care, this is because it is usually quickly absorbed by the skin and does not only keep the skin oily when applied but smooth and shiny as well. Some of the cosmetics that I use are made with apricot, and the results are fantastic. Apricots are also known to aid in treating a number of skin diseases including eczema, itching and scabies. Well now you know, next time you go for shopping make sure that your shopping basket has some apricots in it as well.