Do we need ‘Square Kilometre Array’?

Editor, Reference is made to Alline Akintore’s article titled “SKA: to the sky and back”, The New Times, March, 5. The ‘Square Kilometre Array’ which consists of thousands of small antennae that simulate a single telescope is great but do we need it now?

Friday, March 09, 2012

Editor,Reference is made to Alline Akintore’s article titled "SKA: to the sky and back”, The New Times, March, 5. The ‘Square Kilometre Array’ which consists of thousands of small antennae that simulate a single telescope is great but do we need it now?Such things would not easily come to Africa simply because we cannot afford them.  We cannot afford them in all aspects such as economic and even infrastructure wise. What can such a project benefit a person in Africa, when we are not able to feed people, we have no clean water, electricity, decent houses, etc. I would be ashamed to wake up from a thatched house to go and work on such a project!Shenge HenrySweden