UN representative says his farewell

NEW STATION :Envoy head to Mali The outgoing UN Resident Coordinator and the UNDP Representative, Aurélien Agbénonci, yesterday, paid a courtesy call on President Paul Kagame at Village Urugwiro, to bid him farewell.

Friday, March 09, 2012
Agbu00e9nonci speaking to reporters yesterday.

NEW STATION :Envoy head to Mali

The outgoing UN Resident Coordinator and the UNDP Representative, Aurélien Agbénonci, yesterday, paid a courtesy call on President Paul Kagame at Village Urugwiro, to bid him farewell.Agbénonci, who has been at the helm for the last four years, said that during his mandate, UNDP has significantly supported various sectors in the country."I purposely came to brief the President about what I have achieved in the last four years and bid him farewell because I have been appointed by the UN Secretary General as UN Resident Coordinator in Mali,” He told journalists shortly after meeting the Head of State.He mentioned that during his tenure, UNDP’s intervention specialised in supporting the sectors of health, finance, governance, women development, among others."The President told me that he is happy with the existing friendly partnership between Rwanda and the United Nations programmes,” he said, adding that during his mandate, his team was instrumental in conducting policy dialogue on the achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s)."Rwanda’s progress towards achieving MDGs is on track and we were part of the key drivers during my last four years in this country,” he added.