When reality is worse than a nightmare

Black & White Diary It’s been a few days since I packed the vestige of my belongings and sought residence in   a nasty-slum area. I have awful dreams from time to time, but when I wake up, I find that reality is a lot worse.

Friday, March 09, 2012
Martin Bishop

Black & White DiaryIt’s been a few days since I packed the vestige of my belongings and sought residence in   a nasty-slum area. I have awful dreams from time to time, but when I wake up, I find that reality is a lot worse.Today, my sleep was rudely interrupted by the hoarse laughter and hurled abuses of my landlady – she made it a point to call all her tenants worthless! You’d think one could have a little silence for sometime but no. Was it even possible for this slum to be quiet just once? This lack of silence reminded me of a call I received a couple of days back from a pal living in a neighboring country. He wanted me to know where he had hidden his Will in case something happened to him. "What’s wrong, are you sick or something?” I asked worriedly.It later dawned on me that the country he was in was so used to load shedding that having no power cut for over nine hours straight caused a panic! My friend was convinced that his time to meet The Creator had neared.Back to me, I wondered what the reaction in my village would be like if they ever experienced a moment of silence. Even though I haven’t lived in this area for a long time, I was certain it was the worst place on earth! A couple of days back, I would sneer at anyone who tried to tell me anything good could come from such a place. The day my attitude changed, there was a dispute (as usual). I chose to ignore them and went on to prepare myself seeing as I had a job interview that morning. After getting ready, the unthinkable happened. Someone poured a bucket of urine on me! Yes, urine; wetting the only clean pair of clothes I had.I froze; drenched from head to toe! I looked at the woman who poured the nasty stuff on me and realized that the pour was meant for her rival! I just happened to come out of the house at the wrong time! Now here I was, caught in a cross fire and soaked in pee! She took one look at me, and without even so much as an apology, shoved me aside and leaped at her rival, throwing hard punches at her. As I mopped my face with the palm of my hand, I saw the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on. She looked at me and smiled. So engrossed in her beauty I was that I totally forgot I smelled like a really dirty toilet. But she didn’t turn or cover her nose when I approached her. I extended my hand in greeting but she politely said hi! She later told me she lived nearby. She goes to City University but can’t afford staying in a hostel so she rents in this hood! Boy! I’m I liking this area now!!!!!