Restless but definitely not young!

Ravings of a Ravenous Writer! I have had an outlandish feeling for a while that just won’t go away and simply put, if I wasn’t barely 30, I’d swear I was hitting menopause! I have plainly lost interest in hanging out or doing anything young people do (I’d like to believe I’m young).

Friday, March 09, 2012
Rachel Garuka

Ravings of a Ravenous Writer!I have had an outlandish feeling for a while that just won’t go away and simply put, if I wasn’t barely 30, I’d swear I was hitting menopause! I have plainly lost interest in hanging out or doing anything young people do (I’d like to believe I’m young).

So bored I am with the whole outing thing that when I do go out, I curl up in a corner, for some reason mad at the world and the people who know what partying means.During these outings, I have noticed tables of different cliques – really young cliques. A girl I saw once looked like she’d just sat her Primary 7 exams. She walked in and I hoped to God she was just going to use the bathroom or ask for a glass of water. My hopes were crushed when she walked straight to a table of equally young chaps and immediately ordered for a shot of tequila before she even sat down. Now, I have had some wild nights in my life but this was something else. I watched as these kids ordered shot after shot of almost everything – the labels, Zappa, Tequila, Jack Daniel’s, Jonny Walker- everything. Moreover, there was beer in the mix too – drinking from glasses the size of an aquarium. They put the P in PAARRTTEEYYY!  In fact, I was worried that someone was going to have to find an alcohol depot to re –stock. As I sat there watching these kids, I couldn’t help but frown. I felt bad for my date for I was boring him; it wasn’t supposed to be this way. In fact, if someone could have just shown those kids the door, everything would be great. But it was not to be. I was angered more by the fact that they were the prettiest things I had ever seen. One of them looked like a black Barbie – a drunken black Barbie that is.They danced, drank, smoked, made out with each other without a care in the world. It was like no body else existed but them. I wanted so badly to knock some sense into them – literally! I wanted to tell them how foolish they were behaving and that their behavior would only end badly for them. I wanted to tell them how disappointed their parents would be if they saw them. However, what I saw was a group of kids so not bothered with anything that all they’d do was laugh in my face and assume I was retarded. I was so angry – but why? It is not like I knew them.  It then hit me that a rebellious teenager is something I was all too familiar with. This was I then! That restless feeling I had all along was I slipping away from ‘young-hood’! As I stared back at the little rascals, I‘d never felt older!