Demolitions good but people must be compensated

Editor, I was reading Paul Ntambara’s article in last Saturday’s The New Times issue, titled “City demolitions and the wisdom of The Caucasian Chalk Circle”, and it reminded of the situation in Kampala, Uganda, where some bulldozers were brought in to clean the city of slums and illegal structures.

Thursday, March 08, 2012
A slum in Kigali City. The New Times / File.

Editor, I was reading Paul Ntambara’s article in last Saturday’s The New Times issue, titled "City demolitions and the wisdom of The Caucasian Chalk Circle”, and it reminded of the situation in Kampala, Uganda, where some bulldozers were brought in to clean the city of slums and illegal structures. As a result, residents and authorities were engaged in running battles, with some people losing their lives and others injured in the process. I suggest that such evictions should always be embarked on as any other project.Get the consent of the people involved, then set up a plan to get them alternative shelter. Money given in cash can be misused, with evictees, especially children and women ending up suffering.Shenge HenrySweden