On the grapevine

Varsities hire computers to dupe NCHE We have heard that some unaccredited private university played some tricks when the National Council for Higher Education visited its campus, checking whether they have capacity to provide quality education.

Saturday, April 19, 2008
Prof. Pamela Abbott.

Varsities hire computers to dupe NCHE

We have heard that some unaccredited private university played some tricks when the National Council for Higher Education visited its campus, checking whether they have capacity to provide quality education.

Snoops say when NCHE Executive Director, Prof. Pamela Abbott visited, she found the university said to be in bad shape magically improved.

That some universities hired books and stocked their libraries plus computers to dupe the NCHE. The exercise by the Licensing Panel was successful.

But soon after the exercise was completed, these universities would return the books and computers to the owners.

Radio anchor gets into trouble

We have heard that less than five months after coming to Rwanda a radio anchor (names withheld) got into trouble fighting (physically!) a workmate.

The culprit was immediately suspended and has since sunk back into impoverishment. So, like a star, she has been moving around buying everything she could lay her hands on promising to pay when she resumes her work at Fm Radio station.

Snoops who have been following her now say the bills are piling up and she has started playing hide and seek game. The relationship between the ‘star’ and the shop attendants is turning sour. The mouse and cat story.

Chasing a girl and missing a job interview

We heard that a young man in his late 20s was frantically hunting a job for the last years. Well, a month a go, he was short listed for the interview by a reputable law firm in town.

But on his way to the interview, he met this cute and charming school girl. She is about 18-years-old. He cleared his throat and greeted her and the girl smiled back. The kind of smile that would want to tempt even a pastor!

Time check is 9.30am and job interview is scheduled for 10.am. But the young man keeps chatting with this pretty girl trying his luck.

His cuts his journey to the law firm short and escorted the girl to Remera taxi park. His gets her contacts and all that.
But there is more.

The young man boards Atraco express and decides to go with her but as the engine starts, it now dawn to him is going to miss the job and probably with it, he cannot be able to maintain her.

He gets off the taxi and starts running with all his energies he could muster to the interview! As he enters the room where the interview is being held, he meets his colleagues coming out - the exercise is complete.

The envelope where he had kept his CVs was forgotten in the Taxi with the girl! We hear that he went back home crestfallen.
