EDUCATION: Why invest in girls?

Judith dropped out of school due to many factors. She was the only girl in the family living in absolute poverty.

Thursday, March 08, 2012
Investing in girls is investing in a nation. Net photo

Judith dropped out of school due to many factors. She was the only girl in the family living in absolute poverty. The little money they had was for the education of her two brothers who continued schooling while she remained home helping her mother with the chores. Being the oldest, Judith didn’t get the opportunity to study because she was a girl and to her parents, girls had only one duty, to stay home and help with the chores. Boys were destined to go to school in order to sustain their families. There was no reason for girls to study since their work revolved around the kitchen and home.However, this very poor mindset is changing, now that it is evident just how important it is to educate a girl. The many advantages it has on girls and their families, countries and the globe at large is palpable. Influential global constituencies around the world are gnawing on the belief that delivering the universal right to education with a special emphasis on girls’ education is one of the most effective ways to generate a significant social and economic return to investment.Former World Bank Chief Economist Mr. Lawrence Summers said that girl education would bring on the highest return investments available in developing countries. Other people argue that it could change the course of the nation and reverse the cycle of poverty with a huge impact on our global economy. So, it is with an eye for both economic progress and development that broadening a girls’ access to quality education around the globe has become an urgent matter. The world’s leading brands like Nike, Exxon Mobil and Cisco systems are all part of this struggle. This struggle will increase women labour force participation and income potential .This in the end will help in creating opportunities for a sustainable and viable economic growth now and in the future. If girls are given the opportunity to go to school, it would generate an additional 3% to economic growth. It would also boost the Sub-Saharan Africa agricultural output by 25% and also increase annual per capital economic growth by 0.3%. It would ensure women empowerment in general.Girl education would also lower infant, child and maternal mortality rates. It is said that every additional year of education to a girl would reduce child mortality rate by is estimated that about 1.8million children would be have been saved had their mothers had a secondary education.Again, it would help women to be part of decision making in their homes and their countries at large. This will help them not feel left out on any issues and be able to suggest good ideas to help in the decision making process given an opportunity to go to school.Girl education would also decrease HIV /AIDS infection. It is said that if every child received a complete Primary Education, at least 7million new cases of HIV can be prevented every year for a decade. So in this case it would help bring about long-term health benefits.It would give women critical skills and tools to help them provide for themselves and their families better. This is because from the jobs they have; they will earn money to help provide for their families. It would also help them learn how to manage finances in their homes.It would also encourage transparency, good governance, stability and also help graft corruption in our own countries and the globe at large. This will bring about development in all sectors of the economy.Girl education would give women security both in their homes and in their nations .They will have the courage to fight for what is theirs.It would bring about gender equality in our societies and other countries in general. Women will be able to participate in all sectors of development; implementing the skills they got from education and this will strengthen empowerment. It would also reduce on the violence against women in their homes.