KCC, Police join hands to combat drug abuse

Kigali City Council (KCC) and the National Police have instituted a joint effort to curb drug abuse among school-going youth in the city.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012
Drugs being burnt in Kigali. Authorities have stepped up the fight against narcotics among the youth. The New Times / File.

Kigali City Council (KCC) and the National Police have instituted a joint effort to curb drug abuse among school-going youth in the city. The move followed Kigali City being found to be a centre of drug abuse, bettered only by Kirehe District in the Eastern Province. KCC Communication Officer, Bruno Rangira, said special programmes had been put in place to fight drug abuse in city schools."We are going to hold Ingando (civic education camps) and several campaigns against the practice,” said Rangira. On the issue of alcohol consumption among the youth, Rangira said more restrictions have been set. "As it is illegal for under 18-year-old youth, we have drawn tough measures for bars that serve under-age people,” he said. The overwhelming majority of people incarcerated for cannabis abuse are aged between 18 and 35, with 1,910 jailed in 2011 for smoking the drug. Police say they have, through anti-crime clubs in schools, started fighting the problem among students. Community policing efforts also complemented that role outside school since most students get exposed to bad influences outside school. "We are currently embarking on limiting the supply chain from neighbouring countries by monitoring Rubavu and Kirehe,” said Theos Badege, the police spokesperson. These two districts are believed to be the entry point of most of the illicit drugs."We are also going to be tracking the consumers by especially monitoring the transporters,” Badege added.Police cites unemployment as being a major cause of drug abuse among young people. Other causes include bad peer groups and curiosity.