Housing Authority takes charge of library project

The inauguration of the country’s first public library, Kigali Public Library (KPL), was delayed by the procurement process, an official has said.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

The inauguration of the country’s first public library, Kigali Public Library (KPL), was delayed by the procurement process, an official has said.

The facility, which was initiated by Rotary Club Kigali Virunga, was supposed to have opened its doors to the public in December last year, but up to now remains incomplete. In an interview with The New Times yesterday, Ambassador Zephyr Mutanguha, the Chairman of the library committee at the Rotary Club, said completion was delayed by the process to procure furniture and final touches like fittings.According to him, after erecting the structure, the club ran out of funds and hence handed over the project to Rwanda Housing Authority (RHA) for completion.Mutanguha noted that three months ago, an Executive Director was appointed to make follow ups on the construction and other related activities to ensure that the library is completed and opened within the shortest time possible. He also pointed out that most of the books were already available.Speaking to The New Times yesterday, Eng. Catherine Kalisa, the Director of Inspection at RHA, said that Mutara Enterprises, a local office and home furniture company, had been contracted to import office equipment for the library.The three storied complex being constructed by Horizon Group, will upon completion be handed over to the Ministry of Sports and Culture, according to Kalisa.According to the former chairman of the Rotary Club, Nils Zirimwabagabo, the facility will have a capacity of 25,000 books in shelves and 20,000 others which will be kept in stock.The facility will also provide online access to books that are not available at the library adding that it will be the largest public library in East Africa. At the time, it had been estimated to cost between 2 and 3 million dollars but according to Kalisa, the actual cost will be revealed upon completion.