Basketball elections slated for May

The National Basketball Federation will hold elections to fill in the vacant positions of President, first Vice President and legal Advisor in May according to Albert Kayiranga, the acting Ferwaba President.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012
Former federation boss, Eric Kalisa Ssalongo.

The National Basketball Federation will hold elections to fill in the vacant positions of President, first Vice President and legal Advisor in May according to Albert Kayiranga, the acting Ferwaba President.The posts fall vacant when former Hoops boss Eric Kalisa, Henry Munyengabe and legal Advisor Shema Maboko resigned last year."We shall hold elections in May after the playoff games and AGM meeting.”Kayiranga said refusing to reveal whether he would contest for Presidency.Meanwhile the playoff games will come to a climax this Saturday in titanic thriller which will pit last year’ champions KBC against the country’s most successful club APR.The winner will walk away with Rwf 0.3m, while runners-up and third placed team will pocket Rwf 0.2m and Rwf 150.000 respectively courtesy of tournament sponsors Imbuto Foundation who pumped in Rwf 16m in the tourney as a means of using sports to raise awareness about Malaria in the country.The Hoops league is also scheduled to start in June.