Training way forward for better customer case

Editor, Reference is made to an article titled “Why it is vital to salvage our customer care”, in The Sunday Times, March, 4.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Editor,Reference is made to an article titled "Why it is vital to salvage our customer care”, in The Sunday Times, March, 4.Oscar Kimanuka’s article was great, I must say. I couldn’t agree with him more on the issue of customer service in Rwanda.It’s an open secret that customer service in Rwanda has been wanting for a long time now. Yet customers should be treated as invaluable resources. The concept itself is foreign, but I think, Rwanda has made some strides to remedy the issue. It’s going to take some time to be perfect. There is an absolute need to changing people’s attitudes, both the customers and the service attendants. You have patrons that are rude, feel or rather think that they should be treated like Kings/Queens. You also have attendants that either have never had the training or being paid peanuts! Employers have to understand that if they expect to be prosperous, they have to treat the staff adequately in terms of compensation. Respect should be mutual.Greg MusokeKigali, Rwanda