We should work towards self-reliance

Editor, I strongly support President Paul Kagame’s call for Africa to seek self-reliance other than depending on others. Anything short of that means we will hardly be “independent” or develop.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Editor, I strongly support President Paul Kagame’s call for Africa to seek self-reliance other than depending on others. Anything short of that means we will hardly be "independent” or develop. Ministries and other government institutions ought to use wisely the resources which are at their disposal. Business owners should emphasize on improved customer service because that’s one of factors that instill competition. Since we don’t have so many natural resources, we need to attract investors by putting in place favorable conditions, functioning infrastructure, maintaining peace and security, improving commercial laws, understanding foreign cultures and knowing how to cooperate with potential investors.Also, our people need to be educated on many things: mutual respect, managing personal finance, eating well, doing physical exercises (especially white collar workers), etc.Schools and universities need to emphasise IT and languages because these two areas are important for innovation and global management.Overall, as the President says, action rather than rhetoric is needed.KamanyaGermany