Editorial: Dream Big

All children have a right to dream big. You can tell your dream to your friends, brothers, sisters, parents and teachers. This is a very important factor if you want to achieve your dreams.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

All children have a right to dream big. You can tell your dream to your friends, brothers, sisters, parents and teachers. This is a very important factor if you want to achieve your dreams. As you read, you will notice that we are encouraging every child to dream big. Never feel embarrassed to have big goals in for your life. Children are so important because e they are the future leaders of tomorrow. Just like many important leaders today, any child can be successful. Read and learn from life’s daily experiences and take on the challenges. First, you need to set goals and dreams before you start working hard towards achieving these goals. You can start by making a goal to excel at school. Then work hard and ensure that you always get good grades. Every hard worker will always come out as the best. You also need to be obedient to your parents and teachers by listening to them. This is what will build your character and prepare you for a bright future.Never listen to people who discourage you and say you will never succeed in life. Never give up and get discouraged if you face difficulties because you can always learn a thing or two. Hard times teach you new things, which make you a better person in life. Each day children should remember to share and encourage each other. Speak out and do right; in this way you will achieve your dreams. Always stay focused on your dream and work towards achieving it.