Expressing feelings

Expressing your feelings can sometimes be a very tough thing to do but its very necessary at times. Expressing what or how you feel especially when something negative is bothering can make you light hearted.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012
Itu2019s okay to express how you feel.

Expressing your feelings can sometimes be a very tough thing to do but its very necessary at times. Expressing what or how you feel especially when something negative is bothering can make you light hearted. It also makes you close to people who care about you and vice versa. The bonus score is that along the way you get some free help as well.Sharing your feelings may not magically solve all your problems but it will at least take your loneliness away and will get you the emotional support needed. The best people to talk to about how you feel are your guardians or parents because not only do they care for you but are more mature than you and your friends to handle difficult situations.The simplest way to define feelings is through emotions. You can’t tell anyone how you feel unless you understand that emotion. While trying to figure out how you feel, you can list down all the emotions you are experiencing. Conclude the list with the incidence that made you feel the way you are feeling.After recognizing the feelings you are having, then comes the main task of expressing them. This might be especially hard for people who are shy in nature. I myself I’m a reserved person and hence might feel uneasy to talk about how I’m feeling because it is not very easy to convey emotions to others. It only becomes possible when I make up my mind that it is going to be helpful for me. This is how I deal with m feelings but there might be plenty of other ways to open up and express yourself to others around you. As it holds no harm and helps you emotionally- think about it, when you share your happiness around then why not your blues? So friends understand that expressing your feelings is in fact a good thing because it might even bring you and the people you love closer!