Leaders discuss new Vision 2020 targets

NEW INDICATORS :Ministry of Finance to release new pointers On the second day of discussions at the ongoing Leadership Retreat in Gako, Bugesera District, focus turned on the revision of Vision 2020 targets.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012
TAKING A BREATHER: Delegates at the 9th leadership retreat in Gako yesterday. The New Times / Village Urugwiro.

NEW INDICATORS :Ministry of Finance to release new pointers On the second day of discussions at the ongoing Leadership Retreat in Gako, Bugesera District, focus turned on the revision of Vision 2020 targets.Currently, of the 47 listed Vision 2020 indicators, 60 per cent have been achieved or are on track; 17 per cent are achievable and 23 per cent need concerted efforts.  Targets have been updated to ensure alignment with current realities including the seven-year government action plan, and lessons learned from implementation of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS 1). A GDP of $1,240 per capita, up from $900, is the new indicator for Vision 2020 based on new international criteria for middle income countries.  Minister of Finance, John Rwangombwa, said that achieving the new targets will require 8 per cent overall economic growth, with agriculture growing at over 8.5 per cent. "We plan to raise productivity in the agriculture sector because this is where the majority of Rwandans make a living. We have to change mindsets and improve the way Rwandans farm and harvest; find markets as well as improve infrastructure so that their produce can reach the markets.

In addition, we will intensify focus on energy generation as evidence has shown where citizens have access to electricity, lives change dramatically,” he said.Building on the achievements in poverty reduction in the first phase of EDPRS, the poverty rate has been revised downward to 20 per cent by 2020. The Finance ministry will release new indicators next month, officials said.Recent statistics indicate that a million Rwandans have crossed the poverty line over the last five years.The Retreat also discussed improved service delivery and healthcare.