Things we do in public that irritate others

There are people who do certain things and one sometimes wonders how such people were brought up or one could even wish to see where they come from.

Sunday, March 04, 2012

There are people who do certain things and one sometimes wonders how such people were brought up or one could even wish to see where they come from. This is because some things are really supposed to be done, maybe, when one is home or even done away with because not everyone would wish to see or hear you do such things. All of us come from different backgrounds and cultures and therefore we should always try to respect each other as people in the same society.One thing that irritates most is the spitting thing done by most people regardless of where they are and with whom. Can you imagine sitting next to the window in a taxi next to some nice guy or lady and all over a sudden you just see a big spit across you through the window? How disgusting really. Some of us are not used to such things really. You go to an office don’t know if these guys do it under their desk tables or, but please help the people who are not used to such acts.Still in the same taxi, you are sitted with some people, who as for them, putting their hand across on the chair is not a problem as if they were friends with you .No person wants to smell ones’ armpits really; so please, guys especially, do help us alot.You can always do that when you are sitted maybe with your girlfriend or some other person you are used to, but not to everyone you meet on the bus. And as if that is not enough, another lady next to you has a baby she is carrying; moreover in a towel, which should have been left home, and here she is and wants you to help her with the baby. Good people! All of us know that towels are meant for the bathroom and for other occasions but not carrying kids around. So please, pardon us and please if you need help with the little baby you can always get it but be decent enough to ask the person next to you. Do not just dump the baby on them as if you boarded with them. And if you took good time to look at the next person, she could even be putting on slippers as if they were from the bathroom. Not with the plastic shoes we have here, which could be used for different purposes and which almost cost the same price as the slippers. And again on the same bus, you are with someone who does not find any problem with talking on phone loudly thinking that everyone likes it, or even putting the songs they have in their phones as if everyone cares to hear them, or one who finds a friend on the bus and they chat as if they were at home in a living room. Why not consider the people who are on that same bus even though it is a public means and one has to do what they feel like doing. Please dear people let’s try to live lives that are comfortable to most of us. Some of us just want to think of how our day is going to be like or even tired from a very long day we had and here you are making it unbearable for us. Please help us on that.People who go to a restaurant and cannot eat while mouth closed thinking that we want to see what they are eating. First swallow your food and then talk please. And remember when using a toothpick, to clean your teeth to always use your hand to cover your mouth so as not to show us your teeth. You can do it in a good way not to make other people uncomfortable. And also remember that yawning mouth wide open is so irritating too. Do it with the help of your hand like a civilised person. Our Rwandan way of shaking hands is not very comfortable to everyone, though, its part of our culture. So, always be mindful when doing it and watch out the people you shake hands with. Remember the hands we give people are the same ones we go on using to blow our noses everywhere we find, and we haven’t even washed them; so, please, I would rather we help other people from different cultures with that. And let’s try and stop staring as if one wants to say something to some other person and let’s be reminded of the way we cough when with people. You try to clear your voice as hard as possible as if you cannot do it in some other place alone. It is so disgusting when one does it so loudly, really. Remember whatever we do in the public determines the way we were brought up so please let us try and develop a more civilised way of living with people from all settings of live.