Dreadlocks; a woman’s best friend

I don’t know about you, but when I see a woman with dreads my first thought is that I already know how unique this woman is and the locks say that for her. I would do anything to  get to know more about her.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

I don’t know about you, but when I see a woman with dreads my first thought is that I already know how unique this woman is and the locks say that for her. I would do anything to  get to know more about her.Dreadlocks are one of those hair styles that get a lot of attention, this hairstyle originated many years back. It is a very unique hairstyle, where the hair are matted and tangled over each other. This is one of a kind hairstyle, where scissors and comb are not involved. This style of hair was dreaded at first, the stereotype has been that women who sport dreads are the ones that are not concerned with their appearance or plain lazy, but today that perception is slowly vanishing! Dreadlocks are coming to be accepted in almost all spheres of life; sports, arts, and even the professions.  "Dreadlock style is one of the natural hairstyles due to the pattern in which the hair are made to grow. It should be remembered, however, that not everyone can wear dreadlocks, and dreadlocks cannot be for everyone. It is a unique hairstyle. It sets the person apart from everyone else in a certain way,” says Jean Karasira, a dreadlock stylist working with Kings Hair salon in Kigali. Jeffrey Bradley, in his book Don’t Worry Be Nappy, says that to him, dreadlocks symbolise success, freedom, self-expression, and naturalness. For him, dreadlocks have become a declaration of determination to succeed in life on his own terms. Keza Illumine, works with Rwanda Agricultural Board. She spots dreadlocks and is all praises for dreads. "Dreads are the best thing that has ever come my way, you see, with dreads you don’t have to  spend so much time and effort, wondering about whether your hair is "right” or "wrong” or "good” or "bad.”  You don’t  spend  time combing it, twisting it, patting it, brushing it, pulling it, greasing it, oiling it, shaping it, or looking at it.”Though there are few people who are still too hostile to even consider dreadlocks decent, more and more women are opting for this style. "The advantages of sporting dreadlocks are many; imagine the freedom of taking a shower or going swimming without worrying about wetting your hair,” says Maureen Gisa a third year student at Kigali Health Institute.

"There is a crazy amount of misinformation on the subject of dreads, if you want to get dreads you need to be discerning about who you listen to. You would not believe the insane theories I’ve heard surrounding having and maintaining them.   Ask anyone with dreads to get first class information”

Liz"The biggest reason why I love dreads is that they are stylish and appropriate; you don’t have to spend hours combing! They are also easy to keep. Before spoting them, I used to go to the hair salon every week, but now I go there once a month” Nadege Umurezi.