Auntie’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia I am in love with my best friend’s girlfriend and she is also in love with me.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Dear Aunt SilviaI am in love with my best friend’s girlfriend and she is also in love with me. The only problem we have is that we do not know how to break this news to my friend because he is preparing to propose to her in the next few weeks.ArnoldDear Arnold,My advice to you is that you stop calling your friend your best friend; according to my understanding best friends don’t go around stabbing their friends in their backs and stealing their girlfriends. I find it very weird when you say you do not know how to break this news to your best friend; while you found it easy to have had a relationship with his girlfriend and are planning to take her away from him. Are  you saying you are scared of informing him? You are so good at double speak! Just the same way you started a relationship with this girl, it’s the same way you should get the nerve and break this news to your friend. There is something that you ought to know; what goes around comes around. You might consider yourself a lucky man today, but this might be the beginning of your end. What makes you think that this girl will not elope with one of your friends in future just the same way she is doing to her boyfriend now? When the deal is too good think twice dude!If I were you, I would not be counting my lucky stars, instead you need to sit down and reflect on all that has been happening or what is bound to happen once you break this news to your friend. A friend is a person that we treasure; you do not go hurting your friends left right and centre by having relationships with their girlfriends or spouses. If this is your trend, then I pity you because time will come when you will be a loner, your friends will get scared of you for obvious reasons.There is something I can never seem to fathom, why do some men never date single women, women who are not in stable relationships? Most of the time they would want to steal a girl from another man. I can tell you that there are single women out there who need men in their lives; surely you do not have to deny your friend his lifetime love and hapiness. Put yourself in his shoes, and try to feel what he will go through once you break this news to him.You asked my advice, so am going to call a spade a spade; if you have any respect for your friend, please do not tell him what you are about to do to him. Instead end this relationship with this girl and tell her to stick to her man; sometimes we meet a person and we think we are in love, only to discover later that it was infatuation, which I suspect is in your case. Then run and run very fast without as much as looking behind; normaly as it is with women is that the girl will cry and curse the day she met you, but believe you me, she will forget you almost as quickly and throw herself to her man, because at the back of her mind she already had plan B.