Business perspective: The right way to run a company

I have had the privilege of running my own company and this taught me a lot. In my nature of being a hands on person, wanting to get down to do most of the things myself, never fearing to get my nails dirty because of my kind work-

Saturday, March 03, 2012

I have had the privilege of running my own company and this taught me a lot. In my nature of being a hands on person, wanting to get down to do most of the things myself, never fearing to get my nails dirty because of my kind work- I learnt so much through my staff and the technical team I was working with, because I prefer team work style of management.Different companies have different management styles and techniques, just the way different managers have their own styles of leadership in today’s corporate world.  While it is encouraged that each person should have their own leadership style, The manager should be very careful, while choosing the business management styles and techniques for an organization. This is because the success of an organization depends upon the kind of management styles and the management skills which the managers exhibit. Some management styles are people oriented, while others are project or work oriented. Just in case you find yourself in a new management position, below are the three management styles which are primarily used by the managers in today’s organizations.Teamwork StyleThis is my typical style of management. In teamwork style of management, tasks are accomplished by constituting teams first, and then dividing the tasks among the teams. It is commonly observed that tasks are accomplished more efficiently through teams. That is why most organizations today, follow this style of management. The different team members bring their knowledge to the table, while accomplishing various tasks and hence, tasks can be done more quickly in teams rather than by individuals on their own. In order to function properly, there should be proper workplace communication between the various team members and also, between the manager and the team members.Team spirit is a prerequisite for the success of this style of management. Directing StyleIn this style of management, the manager communicates the goals, expectations and standards to the employees very clearly in the beginning itself. The manager is in direct control of the situation literally, i.e. he dictates to the employees what tasks have to be done, how they have to be done and the deadline for those tasks. The manager has all the decision-making powers and seldom asks the employees for a feedback. This management style is considered dictatorial, but sometimes such situations arise in organizations, such as meeting a deadline or when the number of employees is too huge, that only directing style of management can bring desired results.Participatory StyleParticipatory style of management is based on the principle of faith. Under this style of management, the leadership and management places full faith in the abilities of the employees. The tasks are given directly to the employees and are well-explained to them in advance. Their inputs on the tasks are also given due importance. The employees know how their work is fitting into the organization’s big goals. When their inputs are sought and they are also made aware how important they are to the health of the organization, their motivation levels become very high and they perform better. This style of management usually brings out the best of every employee.It is also important that the management of every company use incentives, so as to motivate their employees, or to provide them with training in order to update their skills.According to business experts, the most effective management styles and techniques are those that are a mix of all the styles. The management styles and techniques that are followed should depend upon the situation that an organization is facing. In the fast changing business environment, it will neither be practical nor profitable, to stick to only one style. That is why the management gurus, when giving management tips, always insist that only the organizations that evolve their management styles and techniques, according to the everchanging corporate culture, will survive to see the future.