The Hater: I hate people who…

…hoot at other drivers the moment the lights turn green. Last Thursday I almost slapped a driver at a traffic light stop. He only survived because the windows were all up.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

…hoot at other drivers the moment the lights turn green. Last Thursday I almost slapped a driver at a traffic light stop. He only survived because the windows were all up.

Don’t you just hate those impatient drivers who begin hooting the moment traffic lights turn green? Is this senseless hooting meant to motivate the driver in front of you to driver faster or what? If you had the patience to wait for the lights to turn green why can’t you wait for the driver in front of you to move? After all the lights just turned green a few seconds back.    …think you will buy if they hold your hand. Sometimes you wish you could walk into a crowded market without hands. Just tell me how you can fail to hate those idlers in the markets who keep grabbing your hand and asking you to buy whatever it is that they are selling, as if you did not know why you walked into the market in the first place. Do you guys ever realise that by grabbing my hand or showing your goods in my face, you are actually irritating me and thus chasing me away. I came to buy things and not to be irritated.  …continue to place chewing gum under tables. I don’t know if you have ever been in that awkward moment when you are in an office and suddenly you find that your hand is touching old gum that was placed under the table. Yeah, I know the feeling is always of extreme disgust. And you wonder why in 2012 some people still do not know how to deal with chewing gum after they are done with it. I think it is high time Rwanda followed Singapore’s example and banned chewing gum altogether. Next time I find such stuff under a table I swear I am going to turn that table upside down.  …always confuse certain English words. I hate people who hide behind excuses so as to justify their poor usage of the English language, especially when their mistakes lead to more confusion. The Hater does not have that time to tolerate your poor usage of the language especially when it results in further confusion. It is bad enough that you have problems with the language now the rest of mankind has to suffer because you don’t know the difference between lose, loose, loss and loos. Others do not know when to use there, their, there are and they are. Your, and you’re, are not the same just like too, to and two. If you do not know the difference then you should be in class not reading this. …waste so many chances without scoring. I don’t usually hate on sportsmen but I don’t think I could spare the national football team. Those guys have given me a reason to get life insurance not after all near misses in the game against Nigeria. I am sure the coach tells them to score and they know this before they get on the field but I still do not understand how so many chances can be put to waste in one football game. Correct me if I am wrong but football is all about scoring goals. There are no points for how many times you kicked the ball. All that is wanted is goals. If you can score during the training sessions then I am sure you can score in the game as well. Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to or a text message to +250 788 545293The Hater