Whistleblowers Act will make a difference

Editor, I read with interest a story that appeared in your newspaper on March 1 on the take of Members of Parliament (MPs) on the proposed Whistleblower Act.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Editor,I read with interest a story that appeared in your newspaper on March 1 on the take of Members of Parliament (MPs) on the proposed Whistleblower Act. The legislation, once in place, will create awareness and encourage people to overcome fear, according to the legislators.Well, I can’t agree more. People need to be confident enough to give information on the misconduct of some officials or members of private sector and be sure that they will have the protection of the law.If this bill is passed, it will further enhance government’s efforts to root out corruption and misuse of public funds and property and also ensure that such officials act cautiously.I can assure you that once it is in place, people will rise above fear of possible reprisals and play a more proactive role in dealing with corruption.So I call upon the MPs to fast-track the Act and to take the war on corruption to another level. Let’s all support this role.Edouard MunyaburangaGasabo