Reactions to Thursday’s story titled “SFB locks out 230 students from graduating this year

Editor,I think it’s very unfair. Students should be given another chance to re-write their examination. It beats my understanding as to why a student, who fails one examination paper, sometimes by a single mark, should spend another year at school!

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Editor,I think it’s very unfair. Students should be given another chance to re-write their examination. It beats my understanding as to why a student, who fails one examination paper, sometimes by a single mark, should spend another year at school! That’s why I support the Rector of NUR, that students should be given another chance. I believe that forcing a student to repeat a year is not necessarily adding quality to their education. It’s instead wasting their time and money!Kabukumba EnockHuye I agree with Dr (Papius) Musafiri (vice rector, Academics). Universities or other institutions of higher learning should not be factories that churn out half-baked young people with high expectation and rock bottom abilities. I have read a few of the research proposals of the would be graduands, read their dissertation, interviewed many others for jobs, had the agony of reading poorly written application letters and Resumes and I think we are doing a disservice to this country if this what we are putting in the job market.We need to rethink our education strategy, refocus on quality of output in terms of what people really learn, acquire knowledge and are able to apply it. We also need to think seriously about what our desired outcome is for higher education, what do we really want to achieve? If we don’t think about this now, then our hope of becoming a knowledge based economy will be a pipe dream.Emmanuel MurangiraKigaliI would like to inform the readers that the students who repeat the courses have to pay Rwf55, 000 per course not Rwf 80,000 as it was reported.Also the number of those who are going to repeat will increase or remain constant but can’t reduce unless they are allowed to sit for supplementary exams because there are some other courses to cover.So, as it was said by Vice Rector Academic, the final list is not yet released. But meanwhile, the number of students is not 230 but around 280.

Fred RwiririzaSFB