A word of wisdom to teachers

Dear editor, Allow me to sincerely thank teachers who have taken much of their time to attend Ingando. We know the good work you teachers do and it is only those who do not have the heart to love their country that under rates you.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Dear editor,

Allow me to sincerely thank teachers who have taken much of their time to attend Ingando. We know the good work you teachers do and it is only those who do not have the heart to love their country that under rates you.

They are very myopic and that is why they behave the way they do. Teachers and only teachers at the ‘grassroots level’ are supposed to be Rwandans because what was taught in Ingando was mainly a call to love Rwanda.

If you preach genocide for sure you will be recorded as an enemy of the country and teachers have got to know that. They should stop it forthwith as it soiling their noble cause.

I therefore call the minister to forgive those teachers who are not Rwandans if they never attended and only punish Rwandans.

Non Rwandans do not have to know the dynamics of Rwandan society and that is why we need enough qualified teachers to replace the foreigners.

At primary and secondary levels, it is not wise to have foreign teachers dominating as they do not have the appropriate values, to instill in our young children.

Foreign teachers do well in universities where every one is mature and only need skills. Skills are independent and you do not need to have your country man to teach you skills especially when they are scarce.

The only thing I can finally tell teachers, is that we real love them and we shall leave no corner un touched to expose their needs.
