Hospitality and tourism to take a new look

If you have been having a problem of finding entertainment during your free and leisure time, today you have reason to rejoice. Your worries have been catered for in full swing.

Friday, April 18, 2008

If you have been having a problem of finding entertainment during your free and leisure time, today you have reason to rejoice. Your worries have been catered for in full swing.

The good news was revealed at a meeting held by the Association of Hotel and Restaurant Workers in Kigali at Car Wash.

Speaking at the opening of the meeting, the Car wash manager, Dieudonné Lukusa said that the newly born association would strive to create a good atmosphere for people to have great leisure and entertainment. They expect to offer good hospitality and tourism related services to the public.

"We will provide skilled training to all the registered members and provide information on how to fight injustice like being expelled or suspended from the job anyhow,” Lukusa said. He added that the association would also be helpful in finding jobs for pending workers.

"The tendency of workers being exploited to work for long hours yet low pay would also come into the lime light now that the long planned Association is actively into play,” said Sam Barigye a graduate from Utali College Nairobi, Kenya.

The 12 member association is optimistically looking forward to expanding and the entertaining the majority of Kigalians. It would also leave no stone un turned in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

"Hotel workers have luxurious jobs and lifestyles thus are exposed to a lot of free time and so end up being most prone to diseases like AIDS,” explained Nsengiyumva. He added that it would also help to check and advocate against Sexual and Gender based violence.

Joachim also added that all registered members would be encouraged to test and know their HIV status as it is the initial step to fight the pandemic.
