Notary auctions house, detained

RUBAVU – Rubavu District Notary and Legal Advisor, Judith Kayitesi, is currently detained on allegations of auctioning a bank client’s property ignoring a standing order from the bank.

Friday, March 02, 2012

RUBAVU – Rubavu District Notary and Legal Advisor, Judith Kayitesi, is currently detained on allegations of auctioning a bank client’s property ignoring a standing order from the bank. Kayitesi was arrested after the property owner, identified as Adonia Bakarani, presented a loan completion certificate showing that he had fully cleared the loan he owed to the bank. The district notary, who is by law allowed to implement court orders, auctioned the house despite receiving a letter from the Commercial bank of Rwanda (BCR) indicating that the client had settled his debt, and stopping her from going on with the auction.The property, located on plot 339 in Rubavu town, was reportedly sold for Rwf 60 million. BCR had initially ordered the auction when the owner failed to meet the required conditions of paying off the loan. However, the bank later overturned the decision when Bakarani completed payment.Prosecutor Deo Lambart Mugabo said prosecution was conducting investigations the circumstances under which Kayitesi auctioned the house even after receiving a letter stopping her.