Newly elected HIV/Aids association to focus on welfare

HUYE – Rwanda Network of People Living with HIV/Aids (RRP+) newly elected leadership has vowed to improve the social welfare of people living with HIV.

Friday, March 02, 2012

HUYE – Rwanda Network of People Living with HIV/Aids (RRP+) newly elected leadership has vowed to improve the social welfare of people living with HIV.Beatrice Kagoyire was, on Wednesday, re-elected president by the 29 RRP+ members who also voted in Donatile Mukantabera as vice-president.  "We will always strive to make sure our members live in better conditions. We wish to see members of this group improving their economic and social status,”  Kagoyire said."Some of our members lack money to subscribe to the community health insurance (Mutuelle de Santé) while others lack funds to pay for their children’s education. We will be more active in advocating for such people and assisting them in coming up with income generating activities,” she continued. Sylvere Nkundimana, a member of RRP+, requested the new committee to put the group’s interests above their own."Some people living with HIV/Aids are left to fend for themselves. They should be the priority. We hope the new leaders will be able to get assistance for such people,” he said.Others elected on the group’s Board of Directors included Ildephonse Ndorimana, André Uwayezu, Assoumpta Kampororo, Jean Claude Rutayisire and Emerthe Zaneza. The new leadership will serve a five-year term.