Mukabaramba elected to head parties’ forum

SPOKESPERSON:The Consultative Forum for Political Parties The Party for Progress and Concord (PPC) president, Dr Alvera Mukabaramba, was yesterday elected spokesperson of the Consultative Forum for Political Parties (FFPP).

Friday, March 02, 2012
Dr Alvera Mukabaramba at the political party forum general assembly yesterday. The New Times / Timothy Kisambira.

SPOKESPERSON:The Consultative Forum for Political PartiesThe Party for Progress and Concord (PPC) president, Dr Alvera Mukabaramba, was yesterday elected spokesperson of the Consultative Forum for Political Parties (FFPP). Mukabaramba, a former presidential candidate, is also the State Minister in charge of Social Affairs. She replaces Gonzague Rwigema, who completed his six-month mandate.Rwanda Patriotic Front’s (RPF) Specioza Mukandutiye was elected deputy spokesperson.Both Mukabaramba and Mukandutiye sailed through unopposed. In her acceptance speech, Mukabaramba thanked the Forum for putting their trust in her."I am very honoured to be elected the speaker of FFPP. I promise to continue promoting the interests of our forum which promotes democracy,” she said.Mukabaramba promised to continue promoting and respecting the roles of the Forum during her tenure. She also called for cooperation from other members.Anicet Kayigema (Liberal Party) was retained as FFPP’s Executive Secretary. Commenting on Kayigema’s re-election, RPF’s Secretary General, Francois Ngarambe, said the incumbent had done a lot for the Forum and should be given another term to continue his good work. "I fully support him. He has achieved a lot for the Forum and we still wanted him to remain in his position,” he said.During the assembly, three commissions were formed to oversee the Forum’s programmes and activities. They are in charge of Arbitration; Programmes and Activities; Communication and Consultations. They comprise seven people each, drawn from various political parties. Ten political parties are members of the Forum.