I dumped my gadget-possessed boyfriend

Relationship Mania. I really do not care about your opinion or judgment but I recently dumped my gadget-possessed boyfriend. The God sent decision to quit the relationship didn’t bring me any remorse. It’s simple really; I couldn’t stand the stiff competition with his gadgets anymore.

Thursday, March 01, 2012
Lillian Nakayima

Relationship ManiaI really do not care about your opinion or judgment but I recently dumped my gadget-possessed boyfriend. The God sent decision to quit the relationship didn’t bring me any remorse. It’s simple really; I couldn’t stand the stiff competition with his gadgets anymore. Right from the word go, he was indisputably obsessed with gadgets. On the first date, he called his new Mercedes Benz ‘baby!’ The boredom was enhanced by a silly question, "If you were to be a ride, which car you would be?” he asked. Like I had any plans to be a car! So unromantic, don’t you think?But his charm, deep voice and laughter glued me to the seat; otherwise I would have considered escaping through the bathroom window."I will try and cope with his love for gadgets; they are every man’s weakness; he will change with time,” I convinced myself. I was so wrong! His passion for gadgets only deepened. Being an average earner didn’t hinder him from purchasing new gadgets every other day. He changed communication devices like under wear! His account was in deficit almost each month; I paid for his domestic bills while he pampered himself with music systems and latest iPods. "What’s with this love for gadgets?” I inquired. As a woman, I had requirements he couldn’t satisfy; fancy dressing, elegant hairstyles and the like. My hard-earned cash wasn’t going to waste on some unserious dude forever. To add assault to injury, their boyfriends were pampering my girlfriends. Meanwhile, I bought myself presents to keep up with the standard of my girls."You’ll never understand my obsession with gadgets just like I will never understand your passion for shoes,” he blatantly answered. Complaining about new appliances became a common song; play station took up most of his free time! Soon, our bonding evening hours were overshadowed by video games. {How I hate video games}. My worst fear came to pass; I was in competition with his gadgets."Video games keep me entertained, all you do is stress me with nonsense about engaged girlfriends,” he said. He said gadgets never complained, even when he came home late; they provided the needed freedom.Breaking down in tears wasn’t an option; I had to stick to Mum’s chronicles of briefing, "men are like babies, you have to be patient with them.” I wondered how patient patience was.I convinced myself that gadget obsession wasn’t as bad as cheating just so I could fight for the relationship a little.But issues worsened when he rated girls using gadgets. Bridget is a Chinese phone, Joy is as sleek as an iPhone, Patience is a Benz, Rachel is as fly as an AK 47 {Is it a gadget anyway?}. I blamed his friends for his nonsensical lifestyle!Thank God for the courage because I finally said good riddance to his rubbish. When the natural call catches up with him, he will hopefully marry his refrigerator, TV set or Video game. I really could care less.