Movie Romance is messing up my life!

Ravings of a Ravenous Writer! Though I recognize that many romantic movies or comedies are embarrassing, cheaply made, unrealistic, degrading to women and insulting to my intelligence, I can’t help but wonder why romance in real life is nothing like the way it is in the movies at all. And please do not tell me I have watched too many movies – if I hear that line one more time, I am going to scream!

Thursday, March 01, 2012
By Rachel Garuka

Ravings of a Ravenous Writer!

Though I recognize that many romantic movies or comedies are embarrassing, cheaply made, unrealistic, degrading to women and insulting to my intelligence, I can’t help but wonder why romance in real life is nothing like the way it is in the movies at all. And please do not tell me I have watched too many movies – if I hear that line one more time, I am going to scream!Romantic comedies are so predictable, aren’t they? Boy meets girl, things go great, someone screws up big time, they kiss and make up after one of them declares undying love for the other, usually in public or when one is about to board a plane or train and then live happily ever after. But in my mind, I wish sometimes in life things could go the way they do in the movies. I would like to think of these movies as my guilty pleasure - like crying in front of the mirror or eating peanut butter straight from the jar with a spoon. They serve a comforting, yet entirely private and shameful, purpose in my life.When I watched Sleepless in Seattle, I made it a point that one day; I too would make a trip to New York, go all the way to the top of the Empire State Building and wait for my soul mate – a soul mate who doesn’t even know what I look like! Titanic had girls, women and every other feminine creature dreaming about DiCaprio or at least a love like his. "You jump, I jump. I will never let go,” he said.  And as I watched, I realized that no one (at least not in this era) is brave enough to say that. When guys hear ‘forever’, their immediate reaction is bolting out the front door! I had a fight with a boyfriend once, and stormed out in the rain hoping that he would come after me and tell me not to go but did he ever? You see, in the movies, that is exactly what the guy would do. I came back after realizing the only thing I’d get was pneumonia only to find him curled up in the sofa watching soccer! I made a promise to stop watching these misguiding movies but I just can’t. I want to believe that someday, a guy will come running after me at the airport (or jaguar terminal) to tell me that he can’t live without me. It’s a far stretch, I know. And even if he doesn’t mean it, it’s ok. I just want that movie moment!