Performance contracts must be embraced by all

Editor, I wish to react to a story in the Tuesday’s issue of The New Times about performance contracts, which have now been extended to households.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Editor,I wish to react to a story in the Tuesday’s issue of The New Times about performance contracts, which have now been extended to households.

This is a good idea. I personally thought about the idea some time back. However, are there some incentives for good performance? What will happen when a family does not perform?WillVienna, Austria ********** Editor – Will, while we believe Performance Contracts are part and parcel of the country’s development process, The New Times will try to sound out the relevant authorities on your questions, with a view of getting you the answers. Thank you. **********There is no doubt about the effectiveness of performance contracts. Even a survey conducted in the past by the civil society platform of Rwanda showed that Rwandans’ were content and happy with performance contracts. Performances contracts help instill a culture of accountability, transparency, hard work and competition among government officials. That competition and dedication should now be reflected in individual families, which should ultimately boost development at the grassroots. I am convinced if other countries borrowed the Imihigo (Performance Contracts) strategy, it would be much easier to hold their leaders accountable as well. Anitha MutambaKigali