Relationships:Things women do that mess up their love life

Some mistakes women make turn their relationships into nightmares. However, these mistakes can be avoided if they acknowledge them and do something about it.

Thursday, March 01, 2012
Relationships are mutual. It takes two to make a relationship work. Net photo

Some mistakes women make turn their relationships into nightmares. However, these mistakes can be avoided if they acknowledge them and do something about it. Here are some of the gravest blunders that mess up a perfectly sound love life:When your life revolve around men. Some women view their entire life as dependent on their partner’s decisions. They let men control the relationship; they cannot make a decision and have no say whatsoever. Women need to have a mind of their own. Put your foot down on things you can’t tolerate. Letting him control everything ends up in very poor decisions made. It’s your life not his.Settling for the first man who comes along. Desperate times call for desperate measures but when it comes to men, it would be in your best interests to wait a while before declaring mad love for the guy. Thinking your biological clock is ticking will lead you into choosing a man who might end up being a problem in the end. It is never too late for love—it will come around.Confusing passion for love. Most women have random sex thinking guys will love them for that. The result is a disaster because then they start to feel worthless. Wait and choose a partner you genuinely have feelings for; that is the right way to go. You will find that person who will make you feel loved more than one who will take you for granted.Co-habiting with someone you know little about. Never move in with a man unless you are certain of commitment. High relationship expectations.Plan on how to get on with your life should the relationship fail.  Thinking because you have scored a rich fellow, you do not have to lift a finger to work is a very wrong attitude. Things change. Using pregnancy to trap a man. Some women think getting pregnant will cement their relationship but that is not the case. Have a baby after confirming that it is what both of you want. Low self-esteem. They accept less than they actually deserve. As a woman, you deserve all the best in life. Men never take a woman who knows her worth for granted. Love yourself and have some ‘me-time’. Take time to pamper yourself and have some ‘me-time’. This will help you feel better about yourself especially during those days when you feel depressed. Decide what you want in life and go for it. You are too special so treat yourself that way. Love yourself first and the man will too. Do not give up your job whatsoever. Much as men say they love independent women, they are also good at convincing women to give up their jobs as a way to control them. Be responsible and wise.