Women Today

The team at Women Today once again, feels privileged to share with its esteemed readers, yet another exciting issue—Singlehood Ventures.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

The team at Women Today once again, feels privileged to share with its esteemed readers, yet another exciting issue—Singlehood Ventures.

Because we value how women feel about certain issues, we explore various topics that range from marriage, singlehood, health and love relationships.In the world today, trends keep shifting on what women value more. Some women value family relationships; others singlehood and independence; or maybe adventure and exploring the outdoors while other focus more on climbing the career ladder.

However, one thing is a constant in these trends—every woman wants to find love. As you will read on Page 3, understand why so many habits or predominant characters carried by women, hamper their search to find true love. Even when true love is found, some women find it hard to keep it that way. Once they tie the knot, either their prince charming turns into a frog, or he hops off to lure another unsuspecting princess because he can’t handle the boredom he signed up for. Nonetheless, Women Today is here to expose those factors that trouble relationships and that is what is of essence in today’s issue. So, read, learn and watch this space!Enjoy your reading.